A clearer, stronger sense among Chinese of their rich Christian heritage
Rising awareness among Chinese intellectuals of the positive contribution of Christianity
Greater understanding in the West of Chinese culture and society, including Chinese Christianity
For the first time in Chinese history, multitudes of middle-class professionals are exploring religion, especially Christianity, to find meaning for their personal and national existence.
A number of prominent public intellectuals and social leaders look to Christianity as they seek nothing less than the construction of a new culture, modern yet Chinese, for the world's most populous nation.
In the process, Chinese must re-think their deepest cultural roots and recover their own lost traditions, including their Christian heritage. This task also involves Christians who are overseas in Asia and the West.
Carrying Out Our Mission, by seeking to:
Understand the core values, driving purposes, and major challenges of the Chinese people, and communicate our findings to the academic and religious communities involved in China
Advise, mentor, and train those who desire to interact with Chinese on issues of Chinese culture, society, history, and religion
Encourage Christian thinkers to investigate and apply the implications of Christianity for Chinese society
Produce and distribute popular and scholarly materials in English and/or Chinese that address issues of Chinese culture, religion, and society, and recover a lost Christian legacy. To learn more see our current and ongoing Projects
Form a network of Christian scholars studying Chinese Christianity
Build relationships with Chinese scholars investigating the role of Christianity in China
Provide strategic advice to Christian ministries and funders for effective service
Global China Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in Albemarle County, Virginia. Partnering with other organizations, and building a virtual network of colleagues around the world, we make the most of extensive relationships to enhance capacity to make a significant impact with minimum structure and overhead. Our size allows us to be flexible and innovative amid constant change.
GCC is governed by a Board of Directors. Names are available upon request.