The Rushing on of the Purposes of God: Christian Missions in Shanxi Province Since 1876

The history of Christianity in Shanxi deserves more recognition, says the author, as the setting of a number of notable incidents: the first Christian multi-agency international relief effort; the deaths of more expatriate and Chinese Christians during the Boxer turmoil; and especially fierce resistance to Japanese aggression, in which Chinese and foreign Christians were caught up.

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ReviewsG. Wright Doyle
The Church in China

[These] articles and reviews span both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism from the sixteenth century to the present, and they touch upon history, theology, evangelism and social action, the impact of Christianity upon Chinese society, and challenges facing the Chinese church today. . . . The result is a rich sampling of voices on a wide variety of issues concerning Christianity in China, and it will be of interest to an equally broad range of readers.

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ReviewsG. Wright Doyle
Voices from the Past: Historical Reflections on Christian Missions in China

This selection of thirty short excerpts from the letters, diaries, and writings of outstanding missionaries and leaders is meant to be read one at a time. “Readers are expected to linger over each quotation, perhaps reading only one quotation a day, and to spend time afterward in prayer, reflecting on them in light of their own experiences,” explains the author, a veteran Christian worker in China.

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ReviewsG. Wright Doyle
A Living Sacrifice: The Life Story of Allen Yuan

In her epilogue, the author writes, “The main purpose for writing this book was to get to know a man—an ordinary man who nevertheless magnified the grace of God…. Another purpose … was to record the history of a crucial period in the development of the history of the Church in China.” In my opinion, she succeeded in both purposes.

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ReviewsG. Wright Doyle