Zen Existentialism

Chinese scholar Lit-sen Chang writes this work post conversion to persuade Westerners in particular to reject the folly of Eastern religions in favor of the Christian gospel.

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Stephanie Helmick
Reaching Chinese Worldwide

A handbook that is as nuanced, socio-historically sensitive and practical as the very culture and people it seeks to affect, Reaching Chinese Worldwide offers principles for effective Christian witness and culturally sensitive involvement in the life of Chinese people.

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Sarah Sawyer
China: Ancient Culture, Modern Society

The authors of China: Ancient Culture, Modern Society declare, “China has arrived, big time.” Their work offers a primer for readers who want to be informed about the world’s newest superpower with an accessible yet comprehensive text. As the authors, G. Wright Doyle and Peter Xiaoming Yu, hail from the United States and China respectively, their work is well- qualified to present China to American readers.

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ReviewsKittie Helmick