Christians in the West are curious about believers in China, after decades of knowing theirs as a “closed country.” The newly released book, Grace to the City: Studies in the Gospel from China, is a window into the ministries of a handful of Chinese church leaders through their teaching on God’s Word.
Read MoreThis is an outstanding book, of great usefulness to anyone wanting to understand the immense changes that took place in the twentieth century. It is also a marvel of conciseness: Sunquist packs an enormous amount of information and analysis into less than 200 pages.
Read MorePaul Hattaway has given us a major contribution to the history of the church in China, based on extensive reading and personal interviews with key characters in the story.
Read MoreNoted historian on the subject of World Christianity, Scott Sunquist has given us another outstanding volume. He possesses both a wide knowledge of the Christian movement’s history as a whole and a comprehensive grasp of Christian missions in all its dimensions.
Read MoreChinese scholar Lit-sen Chang writes this work post conversion to persuade Westerners in particular to reject the folly of Eastern religions in favor of the Christian gospel.
Read MoreThe latest volume in the Global China Series, Studies in Chinese Christianity has just been released! The stories of these ordinary yet exceptional women deserve to be told to a new generation.
Read MoreA handbook that is as nuanced, socio-historically sensitive and practical as the very culture and people it seeks to affect, Reaching Chinese Worldwide offers principles for effective Christian witness and culturally sensitive involvement in the life of Chinese people.
Read MoreThis is China: The First 5,000 Years achieves a unique success in offering all things to all readers: academic resources for scholars, general introduction for China novices, and detailed references for in-depth study.
Read MoreThe most detailed biography I have read on John Sung, and it provides essential background for the interpretation of his published diaries.
Read MoreTo disciple new Chinese believers properly, Phillip urges readers to transition from serving their guests, to teaching new believers to serve others.
Read MoreIn recent decades, China’s economy, social structures and citizens themselves have undergone unprecedented change. This is no less true for the Christian church and its members across the vast country.
Read MoreThe authors build their case for relational missionary training on a solid biblical and theoretical foundation, but they are equally strong and practical in the section on how to apply basic principles to actual training.
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